Each year, 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise equipment.
Would you believe it!!!! In the effort to maintain health and longevity, you get injured.
(I just discovered a useless facts website...can ya tell!)
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Happy Bastille Day!!
To all my French friends, Happy Bastille Day! Happy Holiday - Its great when a national holiday happens on a Friday or a Monday...nothing better than a long weekend.
What did the Italian say to the Frenchman?
Now we know what the Materazzi said to Zidane, (if you dont know what I'm talkin about...read here...and get from under that rock!), we're seeing the incident reviewed time and time and time again...none more accurate that this one....nice one KK !!!
Also a funny little game to while away the years til the next world cup!! C'mon England...yeah I know...its a looooong way til South Africa 2010, but hope springs eternal!
There are also a massive number of 'mash-ups' finding their way online! Some of them are very very clever...check out this article at the Sydney Morning Herald.
The 'head-but' incident has created amazing interest worldwide...even in the US where football, sorry soccer, was a third tier sport at best. The one true global game seems to have taken the US...when will they call it football?
Actually, thinking about that point, I wondered where the word 'soccer' actually came from...read and learn!! Very Interesting!!
Its football...not soccer...you play football exclusively with your feet (except the 'keeper') and you have a ball...American Football almost exclusively uses hands/arms and Australian Rules use hands as an integral part of the game...how are they football?
Ooooo, this is almost touching on religious type topics...ciao ciao.....(exit stage left!!!)
Also a funny little game to while away the years til the next world cup!! C'mon England...yeah I know...its a looooong way til South Africa 2010, but hope springs eternal!
There are also a massive number of 'mash-ups' finding their way online! Some of them are very very clever...check out this article at the Sydney Morning Herald.
The 'head-but' incident has created amazing interest worldwide...even in the US where football, sorry soccer, was a third tier sport at best. The one true global game seems to have taken the US...when will they call it football?
Actually, thinking about that point, I wondered where the word 'soccer' actually came from...read and learn!! Very Interesting!!
"We have to thank the students of the 1880s for the word "soccer". ItSo there you go chaps...jolly good!! :)
seems it was the practice amonst the well bred students of Oxford to
abbreviate words whilst adding "er" to the end; "brekkers" for
breakfast for example.
One asked if he wanted to play "rugger" (i.e. the "rugby rules") a
student replied "no, soccer", an abbreviation of "association", or the
"association rules", i.e. the rules of the Football Association in
David Pickering's "Soccer Companion" (Cassell, 1994) names the student
as Charles Wreford Brown, later an England international and F.A.
(bits snipped from Google Answers)
Its football...not soccer...you play football exclusively with your feet (except the 'keeper') and you have a ball...American Football almost exclusively uses hands/arms and Australian Rules use hands as an integral part of the game...how are they football?
Ooooo, this is almost touching on religious type topics...ciao ciao.....(exit stage left!!!)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
French Beer - Armen!
Stopped in at a great French Crepery on the way home tonite.
What a treat! Fantastic unpasteurised beer. Cork top. More a wine than a beer but fantastic. Those who know me know I like my euro beers! So this was definatley more 'research' than arbitary drinking :)
The place is a 2 minute walk from the studio, called 'Creperie Ar'men'. Well worth a stop in, and has fantastic crepes...no Calvados though :( But it does have similar matured apple brandies!
Its really weird. In the middle of ChinaTown you get this authentic French place. But that is Singapore. Locked in amongst shophouses and KTV Pubs you find bizarre and fantastic places to hang out.
KTV pubs sound like they are having cats strangled inside (KTV - Karoke TV lounges). They are basically hunting grounds for SPG's from what I understand...Singapore Party Girls. Chicken's looking for a western fella and their ticket out of the Singapore's middle class.
Wonder if there are any pubs for WPB's (Western Party Blokes!! looking for a rich Singaporean girl to be pampered by!!!!)
What a treat! Fantastic unpasteurised beer. Cork top. More a wine than a beer but fantastic. Those who know me know I like my euro beers! So this was definatley more 'research' than arbitary drinking :)
The place is a 2 minute walk from the studio, called 'Creperie Ar'men'. Well worth a stop in, and has fantastic crepes...no Calvados though :( But it does have similar matured apple brandies!
Its really weird. In the middle of ChinaTown you get this authentic French place. But that is Singapore. Locked in amongst shophouses and KTV Pubs you find bizarre and fantastic places to hang out.
KTV pubs sound like they are having cats strangled inside (KTV - Karoke TV lounges). They are basically hunting grounds for SPG's from what I understand...Singapore Party Girls. Chicken's looking for a western fella and their ticket out of the Singapore's middle class.
Wonder if there are any pubs for WPB's (Western Party Blokes!! looking for a rich Singaporean girl to be pampered by!!!!)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Hairy Butter Crabs & Good News
WOW. So I went and had some Chilli Crab and Butter Crab and fried rice and Pork Spare Ribs @ Tiong Bahru tonite. Fantastic...a taste espolsion. Truely a delight.
If you come up to Singapore, I'll take ya there. Very Very good.
A few pieces of great news!
1. Matt Voerman and I have been outlining a book proposal for the last two months. We submitted the book to O'Reilly a coupla weeks ago and tonite we got the final approval - with the blessing of Adobe!!!!!!! We're STOKED! Look for it on the shelves come Christmas!
Its about Flex 2, so might not be bedtime reading!!!

2. We're going on a staff outing 26th - 28th August. To a private island!!!! We get to go to an island and we're the only crew there! All expenses paid, nothing to buy when were there....WOW! I'll make sure I take photos! Sooooo lucky!
Have had a slight case of 'Singapore Stomach' again! But thats to be expected to be honest! Just gotta work those new bacteria through the system! Body will be familiar with it all in no time...I hope!.
If you come up to Singapore, I'll take ya there. Very Very good.
A few pieces of great news!
1. Matt Voerman and I have been outlining a book proposal for the last two months. We submitted the book to O'Reilly a coupla weeks ago and tonite we got the final approval - with the blessing of Adobe!!!!!!! We're STOKED! Look for it on the shelves come Christmas!
Its about Flex 2, so might not be bedtime reading!!!

2. We're going on a staff outing 26th - 28th August. To a private island!!!! We get to go to an island and we're the only crew there! All expenses paid, nothing to buy when were there....WOW! I'll make sure I take photos! Sooooo lucky!
Have had a slight case of 'Singapore Stomach' again! But thats to be expected to be honest! Just gotta work those new bacteria through the system! Body will be familiar with it all in no time...I hope!.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
'Housekeeping!!' & House Hunting
Had a great sleep in. Slept like a log.
That is one thing about hotels...the rooms are soo dark, the curtains so heavy and the walls so thick that its so easy to sleep...until 'BING BONG.....housekeeping'
"What do you think that sign means? 'DO NOT DISTURB' ?"
So, woke up, watch some crap TV, some show...forget now. And then went to gadget heaven....The Funan Centre.
Oh boy! If you like your gigabytes and flashing LED's you'll drool. Its 6 floors of IT products and stuff!!! And a superstore (like an IT only Kmart) on the top floor! I wasnt looking for anything in particular...its just nice to see massive LCD panels and think, 'ooo, I could do with one of them!'

Went and had coffee @ Spinnelli's @ Raffles City, (great coffee) and generally hung out in the mall. Its a Singapore thing! Mall-rats abound. Sure beats hanging outside in 90% humidity and 30 degrees C.
Had a report to write for a client in Hong Kong, so hit the office around 5 and got back to the hotel around 10:30.
Cruisy weekend. Bit of work, bit of wandering. Little bit of gym, dinner treat and generally slothed.
This week I put all my Employment Pass paperwork through. This will allow me to sign up for an apartment, leave and enter the country and generally settle in more.
I've been looking into condos and townhouse...the two options of choice for me.
The Arris Condominiums are supposed to be awesome and very sought after.
Townerville is kinda the front runner though. Its a number of streets with colonial style townhouses. Just seems to feel more 'right'...more space, less dense living. But its a 10-15 minute cab to where the pub/club/restaurant scene is. But hey...I cook, and I can buy beer! (and I get to have my own BBQ, that I dont have to book two weeks in advance!)
Just watching the Wimbledon mens final. Its looking like a good match. Federer up 2 sets to 1.
The MAIN EVENT starts in a little under 2 hrs. The World Cup Final. "Alez les Bleu"
Would be awesome if 'Zizou' scores a rasper in his last ever game. What a way to retire from your profession.
OK. Must have a snooze before the match. Not going to bother going out to watch it. Will set the alarm and watch from bed. Have an early meeting tomorrow, so play safe and stay home!!
On a sombre note; my sister Nicola's friend's mother died of a cancer related complication yesterday. My condolences to your family Kathy. My thoughts are with you.
That is one thing about hotels...the rooms are soo dark, the curtains so heavy and the walls so thick that its so easy to sleep...until 'BING BONG.....housekeeping'
"What do you think that sign means? 'DO NOT DISTURB' ?"
So, woke up, watch some crap TV, some show...forget now. And then went to gadget heaven....The Funan Centre.
Oh boy! If you like your gigabytes and flashing LED's you'll drool. Its 6 floors of IT products and stuff!!! And a superstore (like an IT only Kmart) on the top floor! I wasnt looking for anything in particular...its just nice to see massive LCD panels and think, 'ooo, I could do with one of them!'

Went and had coffee @ Spinnelli's @ Raffles City, (great coffee) and generally hung out in the mall. Its a Singapore thing! Mall-rats abound. Sure beats hanging outside in 90% humidity and 30 degrees C.
Had a report to write for a client in Hong Kong, so hit the office around 5 and got back to the hotel around 10:30.
Cruisy weekend. Bit of work, bit of wandering. Little bit of gym, dinner treat and generally slothed.
This week I put all my Employment Pass paperwork through. This will allow me to sign up for an apartment, leave and enter the country and generally settle in more.

Townerville is kinda the front runner though. Its a number of streets with colonial style townhouses. Just seems to feel more 'right'...more space, less dense living. But its a 10-15 minute cab to where the pub/club/restaurant scene is. But hey...I cook, and I can buy beer! (and I get to have my own BBQ, that I dont have to book two weeks in advance!)

Just watching the Wimbledon mens final. Its looking like a good match. Federer up 2 sets to 1.
The MAIN EVENT starts in a little under 2 hrs. The World Cup Final. "Alez les Bleu"
Would be awesome if 'Zizou' scores a rasper in his last ever game. What a way to retire from your profession.
OK. Must have a snooze before the match. Not going to bother going out to watch it. Will set the alarm and watch from bed. Have an early meeting tomorrow, so play safe and stay home!!
On a sombre note; my sister Nicola's friend's mother died of a cancer related complication yesterday. My condolences to your family Kathy. My thoughts are with you.
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