Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Automated Towel anyone?

Thought it was about time for some more photos...hold on to your we go!

So, Asia tends to innovate. Innovation leads to automation, but this is mad.

Not only are the toilet flushes automated...and for my fat ass, automate a bit tooo quick...whoooosh....but get this.

Automated paper towel dispensers! WTF?!?

Wave your hand in front and appears. Tug slightly and the light goes green.....another wave and get the idea!
Fab! Spent 5 minutes tryin to break it!!!!
Wave, wave pull, wave....ah! geek stuff!

Got a few sly grins from people who thought I was plain crazy but eh! Round Eye...can can lah!
Innovation TWO to follow!!! watch this space

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