With all the new water, food, bugs, heat, sweat, etc I started to breakout a rash on my face around my cheekbones!!! Nasty & painful!
I'm only sharing cos I care!
Turns out its a reasonably common occurance. Just a skin irritation. Low immune levels, etc.
Anyway, some antibiotics, pain killers and cream will sort me out.
So after that, I thought, Great! I'm all sorted. I dont have a flesh eating disease, the day cant get much better can it!
Well, nope...it couldnt!
I go to the office to just catch up, do some email and assist a client later in the arvo with some testing...just for a bit, nothing serious.
First time I've opened the office up.
And I try a key in the front door....click, click...nothing. It wont open! But can I get the key OUT!!!! NOOOO!
Stuck. Stucker than stuck, it wont move even a bit.
Conveniently a locksmiths sticker next to the door. Call the number, 10 minutes later he arries, 3 minutes after that I'm in...the first door. 50 bucks lighter!
Then I've lost my mind, hot, sweaty, relieved cos I'm not being eaten by some fungus I swipe my security card and nothing....a beep, but no door action. It wont open. FAAAAARRKK. I just want some water and a seat!!!

So I breathe deep. Step back and contemplate a swift size 10 to the door. EUREKA! I see there are two locks to open PLUS the swipe card. I find my keys, open the door, and collapse into my very comfortable Herman Miller Aeron chair.
10 minutes later I pop the pills, and feel great. Had a Nasi Goreng for lunch, washed down with a tiger...yeah yeah, its a mythconception that alcohol and antibiotics dont mix. Yep, MYTHconception. I havent developed a lithsp.
So, this evening I thought....shower, medicated face fash (oh so Metro I know!), apply my 'flesh eating fungi' defeating cream, cant shave yet dammit, I look like a werewolf, and head up to Breeze, the rooftop restaurant at the hotel I'm at, The Scarlet Hotel.
I needed a treat! Something to make me feel like I wasnt being eaten by fungi (no bloody jokes you smartasses), and after 10 days of eating mostly local cuisine (which is great) you need a decent nosh up.

$172.50 later!!!! Just for one! I felt like I was being eaten by the hotel staff!! S$85++ (plus gst, plus service fee) for a bottle of 2006 Devils Lair Fifth Leg Classic White ($18.95 in Oz I recall). Anyway, it wasnt a massive surprise. I have lived here before. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the meal and the wine. Overlooking ChinaTown and my first real spree since arriving.
So its a slight snooze now, and up @ 3am for the Portugal vs Germany game. God I hope that Ronaldo doesnt score. As I mentioned before, my least favourite player on the planet now. Cheating, diving teary eyed little upstart!! Such a shame he is refered to by the same name as a great player. Stand up the REAL Ronaldo!
Ciao ciao all. Chat soon.
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