Also a funny little game to while away the years til the next world cup!! C'mon England...yeah I know...its a looooong way til South Africa 2010, but hope springs eternal!
There are also a massive number of 'mash-ups' finding their way online! Some of them are very very clever...check out this article at the Sydney Morning Herald.
The 'head-but' incident has created amazing interest worldwide...even in the US where football, sorry soccer, was a third tier sport at best. The one true global game seems to have taken the US...when will they call it football?
Actually, thinking about that point, I wondered where the word 'soccer' actually came and learn!! Very Interesting!!
"We have to thank the students of the 1880s for the word "soccer". ItSo there you go chaps...jolly good!! :)
seems it was the practice amonst the well bred students of Oxford to
abbreviate words whilst adding "er" to the end; "brekkers" for
breakfast for example.
One asked if he wanted to play "rugger" (i.e. the "rugby rules") a
student replied "no, soccer", an abbreviation of "association", or the
"association rules", i.e. the rules of the Football Association in
David Pickering's "Soccer Companion" (Cassell, 1994) names the student
as Charles Wreford Brown, later an England international and F.A.
(bits snipped from Google Answers)
Its football...not play football exclusively with your feet (except the 'keeper') and you have a ball...American Football almost exclusively uses hands/arms and Australian Rules use hands as an integral part of the are they football?
Ooooo, this is almost touching on religious type topics...ciao ciao.....(exit stage left!!!)
Funnily enough, google doesnt have an entry for "Poof Ball". Perhaps we should get DT to make an entry in wikipedia
Quite true, quite true...funnily enough there is an entry for 'Aerial Ping Pong'. huh! Who woulda thought ;)
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